Return & shipping policy
Return & Shipping Policy
UK delivery normally takes 3-5 working days
International Shipping (7-12 working days)
Return Incorrect Item Received
Policy: If the item you received is completely different from the one you ordered, please contact us via our Facebook page or Contact us form and provide us with the picture to show the mistake.
If return is necessary, please make sure that the incorrect item you returned is wrapped in the original package and the product is in the same condition. However, if you find it useful and prefer to keep it but the price doesn't satisfy you, you can contact us. If there is one or a few accessories of the item missing, please display all the accessories of this item in one picture and send it to us by filling up the contact us form and also include pictures of the item(s) .
Return Unsatisfied Products
If you are unsatisfied with the items you purchased, then just return it within 14 days of receipt for a full refund or an exchange. If the defection is not a result of our fault, customers will be required to cover shipping costs both ways. And please make sure the items you send back to us is in the original packaging, and the merchandise is in the same and good condition. Please contact us to arrange a return.
Please contact us for assistance via our contact form on the website. Alternatively, email us at: